- Preface vii
- Acknowledgements ix
- Introduction xi
- Units and conversion factors xv
- Test facility specification, system integration and project organization
- The test cell as a thermodynamic system
- Vibration and noise
- Test cell and control room design: an overall view
- Ventilation and air conditioning
- Test cell cooling water and exhaust gas systems
- Fuel and oil storage, supply and treatment
- Dynamometers and the measurement of torque
- Coupling the engine to the dynamometer
- Electrical design considerations
- Test cell control and data acquisition
- Measurement of fuel, combustion air and oil consumption
- Thermal efficiency, measurement of heat and mechanical losses
- The combustion process and combustion analysis
- The test department organization, health and safety management, risk
assessment correlation of results and design of experiments - Exhaust emissions
- Tribology, fuel and lubrication testing
- Chassis or rolling road dynamometers
- Data collection, handling, post-test processing, engine calibration
and mapping - The pursuit and definition of accuracy: statistical analysis of test results Index
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