Hybrid systems for ships – Rolls-Royce
Advertisement As of 2020, MTU will launch a range of completely integrated MTU hybrid ship propulsion systems onto the market. The propulsion systems will also be made available for yachts, Workboats, ferries and patrol boats in a power range extending …
How Audi’s Electric Supercharger Eliminates Turbo Lag
Advertisement As small-displacement turbocharged engines become increasingly commonplace, automakers are working hard to eliminate turbo lag. In some cases, that means compound turbocharging—multi-turbo setups that pair small, fast-responding turbos with larger, high-pressure units. For some automakers, even that isn’t enough. That …
How Free Piston Engine Works?
Advertisement Introduction The introduction of the internal combustion engine in 1884 by Edward Butler was the boom in the world of machines As the engine is the machine that gives rise to the invention of many Machines like automobile vehicles, …
Overhauling a Bosch distributor
Advertisement Bosch distributors are found on many cars and are generally very reliable. But after high mileage, you may find that the engine isn’t running quite as it should. If the rest of the fuel and ignition system is well-tuned, …