Playing an important role in a tire pressure monitoring system,
Tire pressure sensors help you to warn about the under-inflated or
Over-inflated tires in your vehicle. There are two kinds of tire pressure monitoring system,
Direct TPMS (dTPMS) and Indirect TPMS (iTPMS).
Both of them are used to check the pressure in each tire of the vehicle and
Warn the driver about low tire pressure, preventing fatal accidents. Thus, there is a need
Of resetting this sensor with time to ensure safe conditions.
But how? This article will help you know how to reset tire pressure sensor in
An easy and efficient way. Let’s find out now.
Tire Pressure Monitoring System Types: Direct and Indirect
Before knowing about “How to reset tire pressure sensor”,
We need to know about tire pressure sensor types. Overall, we have two types of tire pressure monitoring systems. One is direct and the other is indirect. Each system monitors tire pressure and notify of low or high tire pressure. Certainly, both systems work in different ways.

Direct TPMS (dTPMS)
Direct TPMS (dTPMS) is more common in the state. This system employs pressure
Sensors on every wheel of your vehicle (either external or internal). The function of these
Sensors are measuring the tire pressure in every tire and transmitting this information to
The instrument cluster or a corresponding monitor of the vehicle. Some units have
Functions in measuring and alerting temperatures of the tire as well. dTPMS can detect under-inflation in any combination
(be it 1 tire or all tires, at the same time)
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Indirect TPMS (iTPMS)
The indirect tire pressure monitoring system is a standard for European countries.
The position of the sensor is exactly within the speed sensors and braking systems. iTPMS do not use physical pressure sensors,
But monitor several wheel rotation speeds and
Other signs outside of the vehicle’s tires to measure air pressures.
iTPMS can not display or measure pressure values precisely,
They are relative by nature and need to be reset when checking tires and
Adjusting all pressure correctly. Normally,
Indirect TPMS reset can be done by in a menu of the
On-board computer or a physical button.
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Check out more details about tire pressure
Monitoring systems in the video below
Comparing to Direct TPMS (dTPMS),
Indirect TPMS (iTPMS) are more sensitive to the effect of
Different tires and outside effects like driving style or driving speed or road surfaces.
How to Reset Tire Pressure Sensor
To reset the tire pressure sensor so that it can function properly,
Here are a couple of ways that you can adopt it. Let’s explore how to reset the tire pressure sensor step by step.
1. Identify the type of TPMS
The first step you need to perform is to identify whether
Your vehicle possesses a direct TPMS or indirect TPMS.
In case your car has a direct system,
Retuning the sensors may be as easy as pressing a reset knob on the dash.
On the other hand, if it has an indirect system,
Resetting the sensor may require the use of a scanning tool or a magnet.
If you are not aware of the tire pressure monitoring system your car has,
You can read on car maintenance tips by auto experts to identify it.
2. Get your Tires Inflated
Next step of “How to reset TPMS” is to ensure that each tire of your car is
Properly inflated. Keep in mind that you are putting the sensors on “zero”
So all tires should be properly inflated. If not, the sensors will fail to calibrate
Appropriately and their readings would become inaccurate.
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3. Monitor the Battery
See if your vehicle makes use of a battery to power up the sensor. If yes, make sure it is not deceased. It is recommended to change your car’s battery every five years.
At times, you may require replacing the whole sensor system too;
Ensure the safety of your vehicle.
4. Readjust the Transponders
Each wheel possesses its transponder. When you rotate the wheels,
It alters the position of every responded and the tire pressure system.
They should learn about their latest locations. So, it’s a nice idea to amend valve stems in case you are getting fresh tires.
5. Make Use of Magnet method
Next thing to do to make your TPMS reset is trying to push both the buttons,
Lock and unlock that are present on the key fob with the key on and the engine off.
Now, put a magnet over every valve stem unless and until,
The horn chirp for each one in the order, which is:
Left front, right front, right rear, and left rear!
6. Utilize the Scan Tool Method
You can also chase the TPMS Reprogramming process,
That is mentioned in the car owner’s manual if the sensors are not replaced.
Maybe you might know: How to install a tire pressure sensor in your car
The NHTSA regulates that all vehicles that appeared on the market
After 2008 must have a tire pressure monitoring system. The National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration regulated this clause to avoid fatal accidents owing to
Underinflated or overinflated tires. Thus, knowing about how to reset tire pressure,
The sensor is very important to each driver.
So now hopefully this article will help you solve the problem of
“tire pressure sensor reset”. If you have any question, don’t hesitate to leave us a
Comment in the box below, our car experts will answer it for you.