Did you need a bit of an inspiration for creating your own mini-submarine? If yes, then we have just the thing for you. The video that we bring for you today will help you create your very own mini-submarine using LEGOs. If this doesn’t get your inspiration going, nothing else will.

Alright, so, all that you need is a plastic jug, some waterproof tape, glue, Tupperware, a mini motor, and of course; LEGO pieces. However, as you will find out, it does require patience, and some trial and error might be needed as well to get things properly done. But you get past that, and you will have your own mini-submarine.

A bit of re-wiring work is involved when you are incorporating the motor into the mix. For this part, you will have to pay extra close attention to the video. In fact, as you will see in the video, the process is quite manageable.
In the end, you will need to find a lake where you can test your mini-submarine. Don’t be alarmed if you don’t live near a lake for you can make a temporary lake using a bathtub. In the video that we are sharing with you, you will also be able to enjoy bonus footage where the LEGO mini-submarine can be seen submerged into the lake and making its way shoals of fish while moving in and around step ladders, and carrying out operations underwater quite successfully.
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