Fitting new high-tension leads
Advertisement The high-tension leads from the coil to the distributor and From there to the plugs may start to deteriorate after long service, Causing bad starting, misfiring and radio interference. There are two types. Stiff, durable copper-cored leads are used …
Checking steering-box mountings
Advertisement Places where vital components are mounted on the bodywork or, Chassis should be inspected at least yearly. Thin metal sections are used in the bodywork of modern cars, And corrosion can cause the mountings to come adrift. Steering-system mountings, …
Finding The Cause Of Automotive Vibration
Advertisement Several factors could be responsible for automotive vibration, Which leads to noises and shaking that are disturbing and alarming. However, by knowing the reasons for automotive vibration,You can save yourself from unnecessary worries. Besides, You will be able to …
How Long Do Electric Car Batteries Last?
Advertisement Although there are countless benefits to driving an electric car or a hybrid, A major concern by most future buyers is the cost to replace EV batteries. The cost for Chevrolet Bolt EV’s batteries is reportedly some whopping $15,000. …
Adjusting a SU carburetor
Advertisement Unlike other types of carburetor, which have fixed jets, The SU has only one jet, so the mixture setting affects the engine throughout Its speed ranges. Some SUs also have exhaust emission-control devices to Comply with anti-pollution laws. Adjustment …