Kill Switch in motorbikes
Kill switch is a safety device found in most of the modern-day motorbikes. It is also known as the ‘Engine cut-off switch’. The purpose of a kill switch is to simply switch off the engine by cutting off the engine …
How does a seatbelt work?
Seat belts are also known as safety belts which are designed to safeguard a passenger From getting seriously injured in the event of a collision. The basic idea is to prevent the Occupant from being thrown towards the windshield or …
How It Works: Cylinder deactivation
Cylinder Deactivation Cylinder deactivation is a method of creating a variable displacement engine by Means of deactivating one or more cylinders to provide better fuel economy. This method can supply full power at high loads Where all the cylinders will …
How does Muffler work?
Why do Engines make noise? You would have seen lots of vehicles on a road that make different noises. An engine makes a lot of pulsating noise as the exhaust gas escapes the exhaust valves at very high pressure. These …
Single Plate Clutch
A vast majority of cars rely on single plate friction clutches which will be explained in this article. One of its components is the flywheel which is connected to the engine crankshaft. The flywheel is coated with a friction surface …
Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS)
Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) is commonly used in Formula 1 cars as a device for recovering kinetic energy in the form of Electrical energy when brakes are applied. In addition to the 1.6-liter V6 engine which can produce 600 …